GIF reading DISCLAIMER: If you are offended by homosexual activity, we recommend you do not view this tape.
Yellow rectangle with a red border and black text that reads HTML INCOMPETENCE AHEAD Yellow rectangle with black text that reads WARNING: Due to its content, this Website should not be viewed by anyone Red rectangle with white text that reads This website powered by TOXIC WASTE Black rectangle with yellow text that reads IF THIS WEB SITE BEGINS TO HUM OR EMIT SMOKE, LEAVE THE VICINITY IMMEDIATELY Yellow rectangle with brown text that reads THIS WEBSITE TESTED ON LABORATORY ANIMALS Purple rectangle with yellow text that reads THIS WEBSITE POWERED BY HAMSTERS Sticker that reads THIS SITE HAS BEEN RATED A TOP 30 ILLEGAL WEBSITE ON THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION PHISHING LIST


welcome to my site! i use a lot of bright colors and flashing images, so be wary if you're sensitive to those! a lot of pages are very image heavy, so if your computer isn't equipped for that, proceed with caution! (also, a few things won't work if you have javascript blocked/disabled. consider enabling it for this site!)
this site is borderline non-functional on mobile devices! i've had some success with using the desktop site option and switching to landscape view, but it's a bit weird. some things will be squished and unreadable...
some parts of the site are slightly NSFW. sorry i like eroge and ecchi shows. i try my best to not upload explicit imagery, though! i also swear a lot and reclaim a handful of slurs, so be wary if you don't like that~
with all that out of the way... welcome aboard! click down below to get to the site, and enjoy your stay!
Circular GIF depecting a pastel galaxy. There are three planets and a spaceship.